EN:network administration

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This article is only of interest to users which own an account with Administrator rights.

In a network respective permissions need to be set for users.
These permissions can only be assigned by a user with administrator rights in the web application (https://web.ip7.tech).


With this overview is to be obtained when a user has access to certain features.
In addition, it should be apparent which options can be mapped in the administration and which points are fixed.

The entrance of the user into the Compass is thereby crucial.
Here there are up to 3 possibilities:

Regardless of how a user enters Compass, the following permissions always apply:

  • The user has access to his "Personal Folders".
  • The user has access to network folders according to the assigned groups.
  • The user has access to network comments.
  • The user can always see his own evaluations in the evaluation history.

Entry Project

When a project is opened, the user has access to the 3 project specific items:

  • Project folder
  • Project comment
  • Project evaluation (Basic evaluation)

These points are directly attached to the project and depending on which project is opened, certain values (e.g. project comments) are displayed or not.
In addition, these points are fixed predefined and can not be changed.
For example: the project evaluation is called "Basic" in every project and always consists of 4 stars.

The user also has access to the following items, which can be assigned through permissions via groups by the admin users:


Entry Ad Hoc Task

When an Ad Hoc Task is opened, the user has access to the following items, which can be assigned by permissions through groups by the admin users:

It is possible to link evaluation(s) directly to an ad hoc task.
The user has access to this evaluation(s) accordingly.


Entry Monitoring Task

Each monitoring task is associated with a group.
This group is responsible for the permissions within the monitoring task.
Only the permissions set for this group are considered for the following:

If the user has any other permissions on any of the above through other groups, they are not taken into account.

For example: a user has permissions on an additional field via a group.
However, the group associated with the monitoring task does not have permissions on this additional field.
Therefore, the user will not see this additional field when he or she enters with the monitoring task.

The exception to this is the network folders.
Regardless of which group, permissions on network folders count.


User administration


The users are managed in the menu under "Management" - "Users".
Within the user management, users can be created, edited or deactivated.
In addition, a list of all existing users can be exported to Excel.



Assigning the rights is always carried out via groups and can’t be performed for individual users.
A group, for example, has the permission to access a specific folder thus all users assigned to this group possess this permission.

In the menu item "Management" - "Groups", the groups can be managed.

After clicking the folder button, the folder permissions for the selected group can be set/changed.



1 – Select folder
2 – Select permissions
3 – Permission is displayed in the list

Folder permissions

Permissions can be set for all folders in a network.

In the menu item "Management" - "Folder permissions" the folder permissions can be managed:


Here, the respective permissions can be assigned to groups for a selected folder.
By clicking the gear icon on the right of a folder, the window for assigning the permission will open:


The following permission levels are available for selection:

  • read: Folders are displayed and their content can be opened
  • assign: Patents/families may be assigned to folders or removed from them
  • write: Folders can be renamed; subfolders can be created or deleted

The "assign" permission logically includes "read".
And the "write" permission includes "assign".

Monitoring Task


Monitoring tasks can be created and edited.
Here it is also possible to assign permissions for the desired groups.
By clicking the button with the gear icon(6) the permissions can be edited directly.


When creating monitoring tasks, the following settings can be chosen:

  • Name
  • Description
  • Group

All users assigned to this group are selected for the monitoring task.
Also, specific permissions can be selected for the individual group.
This relates to evaluation criteria, additional fields and group comments.
When the monitoring task is subsequently opened by users, only the selected fields are visible/useable.

  • DocType

If the monitoring task contains multiple documents for one application and the setting is “A-Application” it is possible to select whether the application or the grant is displayed.

  • SearchType

Here the basis of the results is displayed.

  • Patent Status

"Individual" – every user can assign a patent status.
"Apply for all users of Monitoring Task" – all users share the status.
If the status “OK” is set for a patent, all other users will see this status.

  • Ignore D docs

This way, documents like GB D0 are ignored and not displayed as new results.

  • Mail inform

All users assigned to this monitoring task are informed by E-Mail about new patents.

  • Mail interval

The interval used to send these E-Mails.

  • Force evaluation to set finished status

Once this option is enabled, users must create an evaluation in order to set a patent to "done".
If an attempt is made to set a patent to "done" without an evaluation, an error message will be displayed.



For Evaluations, corresponding evaluation criteria can be created or edited.
Again, appropriate permissions can be assigned to desired groups.

Evaluation criteria can be created as stars or "Icons and texts".
Stars are suitable to map a range / scale (low to high).
"Icons and texts" can be used to create custom fields for selection.
For example, a field "observation requested" can be created, with which the user can request an Observation by the patent department.


When creating evaluation criteria, the following settings can be assigned:

  • Also available for Ad hoc tasks.

An option to enable the evaluation criterion for Ad hoc tasks.

  • Optional evaluation.

Once enabled, this evaluation criterion does not have to be filled to complete an evaluation.
In case multiple evaluation criteria need to be filled for a monitoring task.

  • Name

The name of the evaluation criterion.(e.g. "bypassability")

  • Description.

Users can read this description when assigning evaluations.
Here you can describe what the user should evaluate.
For example, it should be evaluated how easy this patent can be bypassed.

  • Value

How the value affects the evaluation can be read here.

  • Display Option.

Here you can set whether the evaluation should display stars or custom fields.
This setting affects the next setting options.

If stars are selected:

  • Stars

This specifies how many stars users have available for assignment.
It can be selected from 1 to 6 stars.

  • Stars Color

The color of the stars can also be set.
In the event that several criteria are used, which should form a evaluations, different colors may be helpful.

If "Icons and texts" have been selected:

  • Icons and texts (1-6).

This specifies how many fields users have available for assignment.
1 to 6 fields can be defined.
The values correspond to the position of the field.
The first field corresponds to 1 star, the second field to 2 stars, etc.
(Based on the screenshot: "feedback requested" - 1 star; "objection" - 2 stars etc.)

Below this, the individual fields can be set up (one line per field).

  • Icon - Here a file (image) can be uploaded, which should be displayed as an icon for the field.
  • Predefined - Alternatively to the option "Icon", an image can be selected here from a list of images (suggestions). (the color of the image can also be specified)
  • Text - Here the text for the field is entered. (e.g. "observation requested")

additional fields


Using "additional fields” you can define your own fields which can subsequently be filled by users.
This way it is possible, for example, to create additional fields with internal classifications or internal reference numbers.
The respective permissions can then be assigned to the desired groups.

Once an additional field is created, to options are available:

  • Text
  • Number

For this type of field the maximum area can be defined.
This way a field, e.g. “RFN” (reference number) can be created using the field type “Text”, which allows a maximum of 12 characters.

Group comments


In a network it is possible to assign comments under specific aspects.
“Group comments” can be created.
For these comments, specific permissions can be assigned to desired groups.
It is also possible to add individual icons to the “Group comments”.

Languages and countries

Certain settings can be defined for users.
This is useful for example after new users have been created.
This way, new users do not have to define their own settings.
First, a template must be created with the desired settings:


The preferred languages and countries can be set up:


Finally, the template can be applied to the selected users:


Afterwards the users can still adjust their settings themselves.
Several templates with different settings can be created, e.g. for users from different countries or with different language skills.


Users, groups and monitoring tasks can be tagged.
This way it is possible to, for example, set up groups for specific sites.