EN:Search for evaluation
With the search block "Evaluation" it is possible to search for saved evaluations(Stars).
It is possible to search for the saved stars, the evaluation comment, the creator of the evaluation and the date of creation.
It is also possible to limit the search to specific monitoring task, ad hoc task or projects.
Using the search assistant (left), evaluations can be restricted to selected monitoring task, ad hoc task or projects.
Additionally, the search assistant can also be used to restrict to specific users (creators of the evaluation).
By selecting the stars, it is determined which evaluations are searched.
This also allows to specify a range of stars.
In this example, evaluations with exactly 4 stars are searched:
This example searches for evaluations from 3 to 4 stars:
Since it is possible that a document is evaluated multiple times with the same evaluation criterion, there are additional search options which can be selected with the checkbox.
All evlautions - All evaluations will be searched
No evaluations - Patents without evaluations are searched
Newest evaluation - Only the newest evaluations are searched
Most relevant evaluation - Depends on the set Basis of the search:
Document/Application - corresponds to the Newest evaluation
Strict/extended family:
1, For each application within the family, the newest evaluation is determined.
2, From these evaluations, the highest evaluation is searched.
Evaluation comments
There is no index for evaluation comments as in the full text search.
Operators, truncations, proximity operators, etc. are therefore not available here.
The evaluation comments are searched directly in the database.
The search finds all evaluation comments that contain the searched terms or characters.
For example, a search for:
fuel cell
corresponds to the following search logic of the full text search:
"*fuel cell*"