
From IP7 Wiki

The date search is used to search for dates or periods of time.

It is possible to select from all available units (document, application, strict or extended family).

Depending on the selected unit, different options are available:

  • Application / priority
  • Publication / first publication
  • Granted / first granted
  • End of active opposition date

This way you can search for the priority date of a strict family or for the application date of a document.

relative date search

Especially for automatic searches there is the option "Relative".
Once this option is selected, the current date will be used to search.
No specific date is given, but a period of time in days, months or years.
This period of time is subtracted from the current date.
You can then search either before or after this point in time.

With the option: "Later than" you can, for example, search for patents that are younger than 20 years.
This means that very old patents can generally be excluded without having to manually update a date again and again.

DateSearch Help later.jpg
With the option: "Earlier than" you can create a certain delay.
If you do not want to see very new patents for the time being, e.g. because there are no machine translations yet.

DateSearch Help earlier.jpg