EN:Key Terms
The "Key Terms" feature is used to determine important key terms.
The feature can be applied to a specific patent, a selection of patents or for a whole result list.
Start the feature in the menu under "Result list" -> "Key terms".
The terms are listed and sorted by importance. Unimportant terms are automatically hidden.
This way, additional interesting terms and synonyms for a search topic can be found easily and quickly.
Terms, already used in the active highlighting will be marked in colour accordingly.
Terms, not already used in the the highlighting can be added using right-click.
Term Hunter
The "Term Hunter" enables you to search for additional interesting terms.
This is shown on a graphical surface.
From the list of terms, an additional entry in the "Term Hunter" can be opened.
This feature filters the most important terms containing the selected terms from the result.
The newly found terms will be displayed graphically.
From this result another new term can be selected using double click.
This way the result is filtered again and the most important terms are determined.
Currently the limitation for key terms within a result list is 1000 patents.
If key terms are applied to a result list containing more than 1000 patents, only the first 1000 results will be used for key terms.
The terms (compound terms) are currently limited to 3 words.
Currently the Key Terms feature is only able to evaluate English terms.Machine translations will not be considered.
fuel cell -> Brennstoffzelle
bicycle disc brake -> Fahrradscheibenbremse
additional features
The following additional features are possible within the Key Terms:
- show all documents containing the the selected term (as new result list)
- show all documents containing the selected terms
- open the selected terms in a new search
- search for selected terms (without opening the search)
Detail view
In detail view the patent's important terms are displayed in the "Key Terms"-tab.
In this tab, the "Term Hunter"- feature is not available as only terms from one patent are evaluated.
However, it is possible to temporarily add terms to the highlighting.
This way, terms can be easily found in the text without having to add them permanently to the highlighting.