EN:Text search

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Text Search Block

Using the Text search block, extensive full text searches can be created.
2 options are generally available:
Full text search or Semantic search

By choosing betweenTitle, Abstract, Claim, Description you can determine, which part of the text is searched.


The following truncation options are available:

  • * - none to any number of characters
  • % - none to 1 character
  • ? - exactly 1 character



finds (among others):

does not find (among others):

finds (among others):
photographie, fotografie, fotographie, photografie

Boolean Operators

The following 3 operators are available for linking search terms:




Using the AND, OR operators and brackets, synonyms can be combined.


(fahrrad* or bike) and (batter%% or akku*)


The Boost feature enables you to influence the full text ranking in a result list.
Individual terms can be boosted, influencing the sorting of the result list.


fuel and cell

The term "fuel" has a greater importance to the user than the term "cell" and should be weighted higher.

fuel^2.5 and cell

The value of the term "fuel" is multiplied by 2,5.


The Fuzzy-search is based on the Damerau-Levenshtein-Distanz Algorithm. It will find terms which are similar to the entered search term.

Optionally, the distance (number of allowed changes) can be specified after the fuzzy operator. A change could be the addition, deletion or replacement of a single character.

If no distance is stated, the distance is automatically selected corresponding to the length of the term:

  • Less than 3 characters: Terms must match.
  • 3 to (including) 5 characters: One change allowed.
  • 6 or more characters: Two changes allowed.


(max. 2 changes, term contains more than 6 characters)
finds (among others):

also finds:

Enter number of changes manually

(max. one change)
finds (among others):

The Fuzzy operator is not combinable and can only be applied to one term.


If terms are put in quotation marks, terms are searched in this exact sequence.


"fuel cell"

corresponds to:
span(fuel cell, 0)

This way it is also possible to search for keywords like operators.


"Menschen in Not"

The quotation marks can be used to search for numbers:


You can also search for a “-character as follows:

searches for:


If you do not place any operators between two search terms, the terms will be automatically linked with AND.


fuel cell

corresponds to:
fuel and cell

If 2 terms are linked with “–“ these terms will be searched in this particular order in English texts.
In German texts, the 2 terms will be merged.



searches in English texts for:
span (fuel cell, 0)

Proximity Operators


Terms are searched using the maximum distance between words.
Here, the order of the words is taken into consideration.


span (fuel cell, 2)

The text must contain the word fuel followed by the word cell.Up to 2 other terms can appear between the two words.


Terms are searched using the maximum distance between words.
Here, the order of the words is not taken into consideration.


near (fuel cell, 2)

The text must contain the words fuel and cell.Up to 2 other terms can appear between the two words.

Regular expressions "Regexp"

It is possible to use regular expressions in the search.


span(/<3-7>/ mm, 0)

searches for 3-7 mm (but not for e.g. 3,5)

Basis of the text search


By using the following options, the basis of the text search can be set.
Document, Application, Strict family or Extended family

Depending on the selected option it can be determined which texts are searched for the terms.


fuel and cell

selected texts: Title 

Document – both terms have to appear in the title of the document
Application – one term can appear in the title of the A-document and the other term can appear in the corresponding B-document
Strict Family – one term appears in the title of a document from one country, the other term appears in the title of a different country. Both documents belong to the same strict family
Extended Family – same as strict family, however, both documents must belong to the same extended family

The higher the basis of the text search is selected, the higher the number of results will be.
Document (fewer results) → Extended family (more results)

Basis of the text search and the selected basis of the search


In this search, the term “fuel and cell” is searched in the text on the basis “Document”.
The terms have to appear in one document.

Below, the basis “Strict family“ is selected.

This means that all search blocks are enriched to the strict family.
This way, for example, “fuel cell” can appear in a US document and in the same strict family a DE document. Then this strict family is found by the search.

If the setting is changed from “Strict family“ to “Document“, then “fuel cell“ must appear in one DE document.