EN:Data Content

From IP7 Wiki
Revision as of 13:00, 4 April 2018 by C.nothen (talk | contribs)

The IP7 patent database is one of the world’s largest patent databases.


  • DOCDB – bibliographic data and texts
  • INPADOC – Legal status data and patent family information
  • OPS und DepatisNet-Interface – Original documents (PDF and figures)
  • Full texts are completed by third-party providers

Data content European Patent Office:
These websites are regularly updated by the European Patent Office.


Our data content is updated on a weekly basis.
We receive the data on a Thursday and the data is available in our database the following Monday.


  • The document (D) is equivalent to a published text.
  • The application (A) contains all documents of an application.


A and B document:
DE 10248531 A1
DE 10248531 B4

Constitutes one application:
DE 10248531

In this case the document number does not necessarily have to be the same, e.g. US applications have a different number.
By using the application number, the documents of an application can be detected.

Applications with the same technical content. (direct priority)

Applications with similar technical content (direct and indirect priorities)

Separating the extended patent families into strict patent families significantly simplifies patent work.
Once a document from a strict patent family was read, the strict patent family can be considered as read. This however, does not apply to the extended patent family.



Extended patent family of: WO 2010036678 A1
Contains strict patent families with similar technical content:

  • fluid turbine
  • wind turbine


PDF with additional info regarding the patent family