EN:Data Content

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Revision as of 13:51, 13 September 2022 by C.nothen (talk | contribs)

The IP7 patent database is one of the world’s largest patent databases.


  • DOCDB – bibliographic data and texts for more than 100 offices
  • INPADOC – Legal status data and patent family information
  • OPS und DepatisNet-Interface – Original documents (PDF and figures)
  • Full texts are completed by third-party providers

Data content European Patent Office:
These websites are regularly updated by the European Patent Office.

Full text extension

This additional data content can be optionally booked to your current service plan.
This extension enables the user to access additional original texts and machine translations in English.
It is possible to search these texts.

Fulltext coverage
CC country language default additional with extension
AP ARIPO (African Intellectual Property Organization) EN FR 1987-2005
AR Argentine Republic EN DE FR ES AR 1974-1983 2012 - now
AT Austria EN DE 1899 - now
AU Australia EN 1989-now
BE Belgium EN DE FR NL 1926 - now
BG Bulgaria EN BG 1973 - 2021
BR Brazil EN PT 1983 - 1999 2005 - now
BY Belarus EN RU 2002 - 2013
CA Canada EN 1925 - 1928 1960- now
CH Switzerland EN DE FR IT 1888 - now
CN China EN ZH 1985 - now
CO Colombia EN ES 2002 - 2020
CR Costa Rica EN ES 1993- now
CS Czechoslovakia EN CS SK 1958 - 1970 1980 - 1993
CU Cuba EN ES 1987 - now
CZ Czech Republic EN SK CS 1993 - now
DD former East Germany - German Democratic Republic EN DE 1956 - 1993
DE Germany EN DE 1879 - now 1934 - now
DK Denmark EN DA 1895 - 1974 1992- now
DZ Algeria EN FR AR 1996 - now
EA EAPO (Eurasian Patent Office) EN RU 1996 - now
EE Estonian EN ET 1994 - now
EP EPO (European Patent Office) DE FR ES JP RU KO ZH 1978 - now
ES Spain EN ES 2006 - now 1940 - now
FI Finland EN FI SV 1910 - now
FR France EN DE FR IT 1980 - now 1906 - now
GB United Kingdom EN 1894 - now 1859 - now
GC Patent office of the cooperation council for the arab states of the Gulf (GCC) EN DE AR 2002 - 2007
GE Georgia EN KA 2017 - now
GR Greece (Hellenic Republic) EN AL 1949 - 1957 1980 - 1988 2002 - now
HK Hong Kong EN ZH 2007 - 2014
HR Croatia EN HR 1994 - now
HU Hungary EN DE FR HU 1981 - now
IE Ireland EN 1980 - now 1976 - now
ID Indonesia EN ID 1976 - now
IL Israel EN HE 1970 - now
IN India EN 1995 - now
IS Iceland EN DE FR NO DA IS 1992 - 2020
IT Italy EN IT 1979 - 1996 2017 -2021
JP Japan EN JA ZH 1983 - now
KR Republic of Korea EN KO 1983 - now
LT Lithuania EN LT 1995 - now
LU Luxembourg EN DE FR 1980 - now 1948 - now
LV Latvia EN LV 1994 - 2020
MA Morocco EN FR AR 1981 - now
MC Monaco FR 1961 - now
MD The Republic of Moldova EN RO 2000 - now
MX Mexico EN ES 2015 - 2020
MY Malaysia EN 2005 - 2021
NL The Netherlands EN NL 1938 - now
NO Norway EN SV NO 1968 - now
NZ New Zealand EN 1978 - now
OA African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI) EN FR 1996 - 2007
PH The Philippines EN 1999 - 2007
PL Poland EN PL 2006 - now 1976 - now
PT Portugal EN PT 2007 - now 1981 - now
RO Romania EN RO 1973 - now
RS Serbia EN SR 2006 - now
RU Russian Federation EN RU 1994 - 2022
SE Sweden EN SV 1940 - 1992 1994 - now
SG Singapore EN 2006 - 2021
SK Slovakia EN SK 1994 - now
SU Soviet Union (USSR) EN RU 1924 - 2021
TN Tunisien EN FR AR 1990 - now
TR Turkey EN TR 1999-2021
TW Taiwan EN ZH 1993 - now
UA Ukraine EN UA RU 1996 - now
US United States of America EN 1976 - now 1836 - now
UY Uruguay EN ES 2010 - now


Our data content is updated on a weekly basis.
We receive the data on a Thursday and the data is available in our database the following Monday.


  • The document (D) is equivalent to a published text.
  • The application (A) contains all documents of an application.


A and B document:
DE 10248531 A1
DE 10248531 B4

Constitutes one application:
DE 10248531

In this case the document number does not necessarily have to be the same, e.g. US applications have a different number.
By using the application number, the documents of an application can be detected.

Patent applications with the same technical content.
A simple patent family is a collection of patent documents that are considered to be covering one single invention.
Patent applications that are members of one simple patent family will have all priorities in common with all of the other members.

Patent applications with similar technical content.
Patent applications that are members of an extended patent family will have at least one priority in common with at least one of the other members – either directly or indirectly.

Separating the extended patent families into strict patent families significantly simplifies patent work.
Once a document from a strict patent family was read, the strict patent family can be considered as read. This however, does not apply to the extended patent family.



Extended patent family of: WO 2010036678 A1
Contains strict patent families with similar technical content:

  • fluid turbine
  • wind turbine


Presentation with further information about the patent families (from minute 4:43)

PDF with additional information regarding the patent family